brian bardwell. we eared earlier about some of the progress that was made after an additional misappropriation was made specifically for foia purposes. when you talk to the executive branch are you hearing the problem is capacity, they don't have the funding to get this stuff done? how many of the non-compliance is the capacity they have and how much is this culture of secrecy that -- after these tax breaks bring us new revenue can we just throw it all at invoicea and expect to see compliance or do we have to hit these guys over the head and tell them they have to start taking this seriously? >> i think it varies, depending which agency they talk to and certainly some of it is resources, and i would say probably more important than -- prioritizing who sits in the offices. and to also understand the importance of that particular office. those are some things where money and resources can help. some of it is culture and some of it is i think culture tied to what that particular agency might be doing. a