i rise today to voice my support for brian c. buescher, president trump's nominee to serve on the united states district court for the district of nebraska. near the end of 2017, both myself and senator sasse were given notice that chief judge laurie smithcam would assume senior status on nebraska's federal bench. many people may not know this, but the case docket for the u.s. district court for the district of nebraska is among the busiest dockets in the nation. in recent years the district has carried some of the highest per judge criminal caseloads in the country, which surpasses judicial districts that include new york city, chicago, and los angeles. this is why it is critical to both nebraska and our nation that the senate delivers an exceptional judge to fill this vacancy without further delay. in this spirit, both senator sasse and i worked quickly to begin the open application process. nebraska is the proud home of many brilliant legal minds, and we thoroughly studied every application and interviewed qualified candidates. after a