. >> and we have brian chiu from the mayor's office of housing. >> good morning, committee members, each year, as you know, we come before this committee and the board of supervisors to go through the first step of allowing us to submit our annual proposal to hud to receive the development block grant, program funds and the emergency solutions program funds, housing opportunities for the bay funds and the home dollars which allow us to provide money so that we have been the construction of affordable housing. and this year, we plan to release our request proposal and the request for proposals incorporating all of those funds next week to allow us to receive applications and then submit our action plan to hud later in may so that we can receive the funding for new proposal to begin the new operations as of july first, 2015, and we anticipate now, based on last year's formula funding that we would receive approximately 16.6 million, in cbg funds and 1.3 in emergency solutions grant funds, and approximately, 8.2 million in hofa dollars, and these estimates were based on last year's formula