it is my pressure to introduce brian domitrovic. [applause] >> thank you very much. ken. i'm really happy to say that "econclass" was supported by the templeton foundation. you might want to visit the bar before i continue. yeah, you might want to his the bar before i continue. a lot of what i have to say here will be kind of crueling. maybe you want to pop a pill or have a loved one present. if you could hold on to something, it might be helpful. because i'm going to mainly talk about the middle third of my book called "econoclasts" from 1913 to 1969. the second third is about 1969 to 1982. and it really stunk. and the last third is a great victory of supply-side economic under reagan and after. i'm going to mainly talk about the middle third. as i say, you are not going to like it. it had been a big couple of weeks for the historic. historic, it's just about everywhere. in the newspaper, internet news feeds, and public radio. the passage of the health bill has of course been the pretext. i saw that the associated press as well as "usa today," the "wall street journal" h