. >> hi my name is brian donley my wife and i have lived at 45 clipper for 20 years to emphasize what the first two speaker talked about all three of us are perfectly happy with the 2014 structure which allowed this to go from 1,000 to 2200 square feet. i'm personally happy a pamly family. it's important for us our neighborhood to be family friendly that permit there was construction started you can see from this photo that was taken from my house that the construction is in filling a light well there already then we learned that they wanted to then have a second permit go on top of this. to then add a third story taking the house up to almost 3,000 square feet. and most notably, in that seven bedrooms. they call some of those bedrooms a media room that media room has multiple window that strikes me as add a media room is usual elooshgs a darkroom. they have a storage room that has an on suite bathroom to it. so originally appears to be exactly the same as to happened at 121 clipper which i thought is a beautiful project well done improved our street is now bohemoth of a house i don't