sam fowler, david brooks, rebecca bonner, rosemary colabro toolly, john davis, bending ming drake, david gillers, rich glick, spencer gray, sura hem, alicia johnson, scott mckey, casey kneel, brianpetit, david poyer, betsy rosenblat, sam sig letter, bradley sinkas, melanie assistancebury, nick sutter, stephanie mcgoldrick, brie mancleve and i want to thank karen heys from the majority staff who worked so hard on this legislation as well. as i said, mr. president, the improvements that we're making in this bill help us reach the goals that have been outlined in the quadrennial review. the energy secretary, secretary moniz, helped us on this legislation clearly calling for the type of 21st century energy structure investments that will help our country be competitive for the future. it also will help us skill and train the 1.5 million new workers that we need over the next 15 years. and i should say one of the provisions that we were so happy to defeat amendments on yesterday, preserving the land and water conservation fund. the land and water congress vision fund being -- conservation fund being one of the preimminent programs in our country for preserving open space at a time as