not even trusting us critics to not spoil it for people. >> ifill: i'll let you take that brup w brian grazer off lines. eric and brian, thank you both so much. >> thank you for having us. >> brown: you can test your own "arrested development" knowledge by taking our online quiz. we've also posted one author's take on how technology has cracked open the entertainment industry, to just about anyone with a creative idea. >> woodruff: and to the analysis of brooks and marcus. that's "new york times" columnist david brooks and "washington post" columnist ruth marcus. mark shields is off today. and whether they're watching us on television or their laptop or their smart phone, we're glad you're here. >> or stone tablets. (laughter) >> warner:. >> woodruff: so the president's big speech on national security, he said we need to redefine as a country our approach to the war on terror. you said if we don't -- he said if we don't define it, it will define us. david? >> i think "redefine" is a little strong. i think we're fine. we had a period of intense expansion of the national security state in the e