publishing professional, i am excited and hopeful on a shout out to others, grace buyers, brian stevenson, and harrison. i will also thrilled that the actress, producer and writer is on vanity fair. and also the recipient of so many honors, leah said quote, the hardest thing about being a black writer in the stone is having to pitch the story to white execs. most of the time when we go into the room the pitch is about one black executive. i wonder if they think it makes me more comfortable. i'm not against the black exact, i just want them to be more. so, how do we get more black folks in the room? how do we create and support spaces to include us on a regular basis? tony believed that her job, one who belongs to impress people was to make revolution irresistible by celebrating the stories within the black community. she said the fact that were also breathe is cause for celebration. as we gather with you and are panelist, the senior editor also has editorial positions, chris jackson, vice president, publisher and editor-in-chief, he's like a hit maker. tamia wilson, the first black woman executive edit