david gurstei nrveg ross, and brian jenkins, sr. advisor to the rand corporation and author of many books on terrorism topic. juan cole, university of michigan and shahid, thanks oall of you for being here. so juan, how is the al qaeda of today different from the al qaeda that attacked the u.s. on 9/11? >> well, in my view, it's a mistake to refer both to core al qaeda and to the affiliates in syria and iraq as all queald. al qaeda. the original al qaeda was in fact multinational and it made a decision to hit the far even my, the united states first before engaging in local battles because it felt that the united states were propping up these local states. so the things that are being called al qaeda in iraq and syria are not like that at all. they are not multinational. they have a national focus and they are not interested very much in hitting the united states. they're just radical sunni islam political slawrm. islam so i don't think it is the same. >>> when david renniik made a statement, president obama countered by, just becau