and brian katulis, a senior fellow at the center for american progress, where he analyzes u.s.foreign policy in the middle east and south asia. seth jones, does this... what you know of this agreement, does it represent a step forward in our relationship with afghanistan? >> well i think what it does do is it ensures that the united states does not make the mistake that it made in... at the end of the soviet wars, and that is completely leave. but what it doesn't do is we have no indication of what the u.s. military footprint will be, how much aid it's going to continue to give, and what the very specifics of the u.s. relationship with afghanistan will be like after 2014. none of that is in this agreement. >> ifill: does this mean that this agreement, brian katulis, this agreement is about what's not going to happen as opposed to what is going to happen? >> i actually think this is a very important agreement in sending a message, reassuring the afghans of enduring support at a time of transition. the u.s. is bringing its troops home. we have a plan to get down to 68,000 troops