francisco in many many ways, a couple examples, the confirmation class trip which was established by brian leury was a tremendous gift to the community it ended up nearly all teens visited israel that created a bond with the land and also with jewish tradition i think was very important. religiously things changed used to be when a baby was born there wasn't much emphasis at least among more progressive jews on traditional circumcision rite that seemed to change over the years more kids wanted to be bar mitzvah and bat mitt have a. that was interesting i can still remember when it was unheard of for a woman to be called to the torre even in some reform synagogues to say the blessing yet over the years in -- when i came in the 70s that had just begun and of course, women rabbis. very pleased that our congregation invited one of the first women rabinical students to come serve for a year as an intern. the pressures were such she was thinking of dropping out but had such a nice experience with us she went on to be the president of her rabbinical school class and serve many years on the east coast.