me now talking about those cable news coverage choices and late es with fox commentator, cnn's brian lowryked about cable coverage on news. this was interesting. because this rape case was covered every hour on fox but not on other big news channels. >> one of the things tv news does is does an excellent job of connecting individual stories to larger themes. in this case it really do dovetailed with fox wanting to push fox's immigration story and they used it to buttress that you won't find on other media. it was a win-win. >> what was the latest on judge napolita napolitano, the legal commentator who said the brits were spying on trump. he's been off the air for over a week. >> in think it's interesting. if roger ailes was still covering fox, he would have taken him off and quietly slipped him back on the air. rupert murdoch has bigger irons in the fire. this story embarrassed and angered some lawmakers. murdoch calling the shots instead of ailes. if it were a year ago you would have seen anal tan notice back earlier. >> they say he's not just taking a time-out. the story from politico sa