hurricane idalia is different from other storms, brian norcross with more on why. >> we don't have anys like this in the record books in august. if a storm comes from south and veer to the north, it will happen late september or october, few we have had. in this particular part of the big bend, the eastern part of the big bend, last hurricane that was really strong, strong hurricane was back in 1896, cedar keys hurricane, it was called and produced high storm surge about the same intensity of this storm. this is very unusual. >> janice: we had a great conversation on my podcast, that will air on sunday, so grateful for your time and knowledge about hurricanes. compare this one to ian last year. >> number of i think thises are different, it wasn't as strong as ian and ian in terms of intensification and weakening, similar. ian weakened just before coming ashore. when we get final analysis, we will find the right side, hurricane is moving to the right that is the part with strongest wind ush approximating onshore from the gulf to land, storm surge. that in this one, was significantly wea