back with me is brian salter, jeffrey toobin and dr. judy ho.r we struggle with this after every tragedy. we just saw the anniversary of jfk's death. we show the video of him being assassinated, lee harvey oswald as well. when do we draw the line here? when do we decide that it's okay to start playing tapes and showing video? >> unfortunately some of those videos the jfk assassination is fortunately a wonderful example of this it becomes like wallpaper. i think we saw this after 9/11 as well. some of the scenes of the towers falling became replayed so often they were like wallpaper. they actually may desensitize people over time. that is not the intent and i think that's not a good thing. but i do err on the side of wanting to show people more rather than less. with warning labels, with viewer discretion advisories, i err on the side of wanting to show people more their than less to let them see unfortunately the horrors that are out there in the world sometimes. >> i'm not sure if you heard tom mauser whose son was killed in columbine. i said w