brian sandoval is a republican. he's a proud republican who supported the state's medicaid expansion option. he took on all the naysayers. why did brian sandoval do this? he did this because he thought it was the right thing to do for the state of nevada. and it has proven that in fact is true. by expanding medicaid in nevada, many, many, many more are able to ensure affordable care for their children, health care for their kids. governor sandoval's courage stands in stark contrast to many of his fellow republicans, quite frankly. governors in a number of states dominated by republican state legislatures have refused to extend coverage to the needy. the needy. these republicans have blocked expanded coverage despite the fact that it means fewer americans and their children have access to the health care they need. mr. president, this means that people are dying as a result of this. two states with the highest rates of unshourd children -- alaska and texas -- have reject ed medicare expansion. others have done the sa