. >> professor brian schaffner, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you very much, wolf. >>> let's little bit about what we just heard with our correspondents, analysts and commentators. david swerdlick, let's start this conversation with you because this is a really sensitive and important issue right now. the assertion by the president of the united states of such widespread illegal voting. >> yeah, and as the professor said and others have said today, right, this has been widely debunked. the whole broader notion of voter fraud has been debunked, of widespread voter fraud has been debunked in study after study, by the brennan center, by the advancement project. arguably liberal groups, but still there's not this evidence of widespread voter fraud and yet president trump persists with it. i think there's two possible reasons, neither of them are good, wolf. one is is that he wants to keep alive this issue of voter fraud because there will be elections down the road. the other is maybe just as simple as this is the first time he's run for office, and unlike a career politician who