over so as i said in the interim there, what struck me about what i read and what i heard from brian sweitzers week. this wasn't just a guy saying, hey, i'm a fallback, in looked like a guy saying, hey, this was the contrast between me and hillary clinton. >> exactly. governor sweitzer said that you have a history of nominating people from the same families. you got bush, bush, maybe another bush. you got clinton, clinton. maybe another clinton. maybe it's time to nominate somebody who is not a bush or a clinton. when we are asked, he was asked are you going to challenge the throne? he played a little coy. i tell you. i have lived in iowa all my life. i have not been to all 99 count. you don't say you will go to all 99 counties unless you are running for something. >> i was expecting him to say, well, you know, lots of thing in the future, i'm not thinking about that. i was struck by the blunt nessness of his answer. what was the reception when he sort of worked a couple rooms in iowa, what was the reception? did they like who they received? did they like what they were hearing? >> democrats