thank you, kerry moles and brianna involved with casa, check out well, that's our show for tonight. before we go: the covid pandemic has taken a serious toll on many people's mental health. and here in the u.s., the disaster distress helpline is trying to address this crisis. they've got counselors who are trained to meet the mental health needs of this unique situation. and if you would like to help them, all you need to do is donate whatever you can. and if you'd like to support new yorkers in crisis, please donate to "nyc well," which is also providing free, confidential mental health support. until tomorrow, stay safe out there, wash your hands, and remember: food never spoils. it just develops new flavors. now, here it is, your moment of zen. ♪ ♪ >> take a look at some of these people. literally the day before i fired them, they were saying they should be fired. and as soon as i fired them, they said, "what did you fire them for? that was a terrible thing to do?" it's a disgrace what's happe