second speaker will be brianni thomas. please welcome them. [applause] >> today, we gather to remember fought 150 that was years ago. but why does the civil war matter to us today? history doesn't repeat itself, but it does arrive. however, if we forget the past, we may repeat it. that is one of the many reasons why this war is important. overall, the major outcome of the war was abolishment of slavery. this is a reflection of how much america has changed. more tolerant, more integrated, aand more varied in our demographics and culture. fact, 1913, african-american veterans recited for the ceremony. today, we embrace and celebrate our differences. furthermore, no other conflict is so profound change our society. political and social impacts were important. citizenship for all born in the united states. voting rights for all male citizens, regardless of race. women's rights gained momentum. staged a war also modern message. thus, bringing medical advancements for which we take for granted. include modern hospitals, and to ed ambulances, say for