. -- half-acre plot surrounded by a brickwall.the mid-1800's, a disease ravaged almost 40% of france's vineyards. this small plot of bollinger never caught the disease. never caught the disease. >> i do not know. until win, i do not know, either. maybe in one year or 10 year we will have normal. >> about 40 workers specially trained to handle the delicate, extra ripe grapes, harvest the whole plot in just two hours. the grapes are immediately pressed on the bollinger property. it is then taken from barrel to bottle. >> you put the bottle in our cellar, and when the wine is ready, we sell it. we sell about 2000 bottles a year. >> a bottle sells for about 800 euros for the latest release and up to 5000 for older vintages. >> even if you pay for it, it is something money cannot get. it is very powerful and very fresh. >> it is amazing what goes into a bottle of champagne. emma: what goes better with a glass of champagne than something very sweet? we went behind the scenes to see how the magic is made. ♪ >> being a pastry chef to most