thank you. >> hi, my name is bridget brown, i work for independent living resource centre here in san francisco, and i consider myself a mental health advocate, also, i consider myself a client with a mental health background. i would like to say that i could have been melanie, that could have been me. i was at a club one night and somebody put oxycontin in my drink and i ended up in the hospital. it turned out i had oxycontin in my system, and i was one of those revolving door people that they have been talking about throughout this whole s.b. 1045 issue, and i had to go to court, they wanted to conserve me, and luckily, with the blessings that i have on me, i didn't end up in a locked facility. i just want to let you know, that could have been me. it could affect people with things beyond their control and things happen to them, okay? that is all i wanted to say. thank you. >> michael lyon, public health justice collective. if you believe that this plant is racist, and it is, if you believe it is unfairly targeting homeless, and it does, if you believe that it puts cops in the drive