it was basically a one-day summit to bridgeville and share information.o, there were legal updates on how to do jurisdictional case reviews and the latest in forensics and technology, so a huge congratulations to joanie. days or hours away from ending his 30-year career. it was a tremendous program, and we look forward to continuing it. additionally, over the past two is, we at several events which were challenging but successful. there was the police response to the activities on may 26 and may 27. overall, it was a very calm event, much calmer than we have seen in recent years, with a few of intoxication rest. sunday, may 27, we had double duty in one part of the city where we worked with the 70th anniversary of the golden gate bridge. no real event there, it's very successful operation, according to chief schmidt, and then on june 2, we had the black and white ball, and that was very successful, but we also had prior to that the union street fair, a two-day event, and in the past, there had been public drinking. over all, a very successful event with i