1872 is a miniscule her mind a collection of a dozen brawling situated halfway between ludlow and bridgewater and not particularly new anything -- near anything but hillside he was not aboard rich or poor by the standards his father was a man of means a general store keeper former and politician his father was right to the lines he laid out were true and straight and the curves and were regular. the work he did it endured and from his father's business he learned this lesson that never left him. as i went about with my father when he collected taxes i knew when taxes were late someone had to work to earn money to pay them. of his mother victoria, he wrote to whatever was brand informed that attracted harris seemed as though the foliage came for her and in the autumn it was four per the mountainsides were struck with crimson and gold. she died on her 309th birthday march 1885, the five years later his younger sister abigail died. she was 14. they're deaths moved him profoundly forging a greater bond between father and son buildout and forcing the already powerful crippling shyness. he studied