the majority leader had not said that he intends to continue to use the threat of a to engage in bridgman ship to force obamacare on the american people. if we listen to the american people, we recognize this law is not working. corporations got an exception. congresshy members of received an exception. that is why unions have just came forward and asked for an exception and have not been graded it. congressnture that voting to continue to fund obamacare will result in a union exemption. we will be in a world where the fall only obamacare on hard-working families and not on corporations or members of congress. i predict hard-working american , people and single moms trying to climb the ladder. this body should not be granting special favors for the ruling class and those with power and privilege. we should be fighting for those who are struggling. those with people who are getting hurt the most by obamacare. this week will be a critical week for the united states senate and for everyone of us. i hope to see republicans and democrats stand together to say, setting aside partisan difference