but before meeting bril, you decided check if bril informed the ministry of tourism about your call andy interesting. only i need to prove whether i have anything to do with this? is it true that you are the strongest girl in russia, is it true that i have 20 records, incredible talents are waiting for us, you are the best voice of the earth, yes, we are two-time champions of russia in dance sport, i was filming at -20, yes, at -20, this is not a competition, there are no prizes or judges, we have a cancellation, only amazing children. i won the moscow cup, and what is it called samokatman, no samokateran, you can play the accordion for 5 hours, well, yes, we found the coolest, besides knives, do you do something else, oh, i have so much work, i drive, mom, potatoes, bavagan lozit, who do you want to be when you grow up, the president of the republic of belarus, or classes of the russian federation, each of them is a small, big miracle, ever use such a phrase, we have a crime, possibly a crime, right? go, great talents, sometimes less than you think, i want to give you a medal of the bo