brinkman: thank you. i did get a briefing from staff, much appreciated. it was very good. after spending an hour with you guys i still have a few more questions. could you, mr. montoya, detail more about the pedestrian safety aspects. >> yes. so if we could go back to the last slide here. so what we're proposing is that every intersection in the project area on oak street and fell street between scott and baker that we would install continental crosswalks with the big wide stripes across them that we've adopted in it san francisco as our high visibility crosswalk. we're also installing advanced stop bars which sort of remind people who drive and who ride a bike they need to stop before the crosswalk and not in the crosswalk. we're also making sure that -- all the locations already have pedestrian signal heads but making sure the timing is setd set up to be within the standards -- the more generous than required standards that we have in san francisco. and also the bal bouts. we're proposing 13 ball bouts