in the run-up to the civil war about both efforts of northerners and efforts by some owners tom brinton of missouri, senator bentsen was the great uncle thomas benton the great painter. but senator hart painted a very different picture, and he fought stephen douglas kansas nebraska act was part of a conspiracy of. i want to read to you what he said before the senate when they were debating the act. i must now work for the real object of a particular purpose which it was manufactured and the grand movement of which it is the base. jacinta and we will talk about in a moment it must be the time of this bill not to be conceived about the time of this bill 50 million for as much mexican territory on the southern borders would make five or six states, secondly, the mission of the ambassador to madrid, $250 million for cuba. we will talk about cuba in a minute. this nebraska bill is only an entering wedge to the future enterprises, the same manufacturer for a particular purpose, a steppingstone for a grant movement which is to develop itself in this country of ours. so what the senator was say