europe shifted from northwest europe from ireland, britain, germany, scandinavia to southern and eastern europe. cialis islanders were people who were second or third cast citizens in multi-ethnic states, southern and italians from northern italy, polls and jews and slovaks for the russian and hungarian empires. the prospect of equal citizenship attracted america but their cultural customs, language differences led many americans to fear they could not be assimilated. this was as i say one of the three largest migrations, immigration's as a percentage of preexisting population in our history. they headed did to great cities on the east coast especially but not limited to new york and the industrial state, cities of the great lakes region. found jobs in factories from the jews and garment factories of new york to auto factories in the toilet, various ethnic groups in chicago and cleveland, the fastest growing metro areas in the nation at that time. from 1902-1914 the flood tide was at its peak, huge numbers came to a sudden and unexpected end with the outbreak of world war i in 1914. cialis islanders did come from different cultures and there