today the world hit a major milestone as great britan became the first country to officially approve a fully tested vaccine. so big congratulations britan, it is amazing how much you can get done when you don't waste time combing your hair. and you know this is really, really great news for the world. unless britain decides to use this opportunity to get revenge. so it turns out we've gotten the vaccine and we'll be handing it out to all of our colonies, oh, oh, that's right, you don't want to be colonies any more, i guess more vaccine for me, oh, aah, how do you like that now, ind-- india, so safety and precaution is fantastic but there is one country who might be taking their precautions a little too far. >> belt gum is putting a four person lit limit on holiday parties deurd the pandemic pandemic. officials say all gatherings must be held outdoor in a yard or garden and only one guest will be able to enter the house during the entire party. if you really have to go to the toilet there will be nothing left to do but return home said a government spokesperson. >> whoa, whoa, hold on