did the wreckage show olympic and britannic have another level of steel put in this? >> they found out before it sailed that it had cracked after a collision with a british warship but when they put her up they found out the front of the ship was cracking. you look at the side-by-side photographs now and it was a great thing for us. you can see the side of titanic has more in the superstructure to stiffen it. the was the first thing they did and then when the olympic was back they added reinforcement and after the titanic sank the retrofitted with a complete double haul instead of a double bottom and then when they find the launch two years later to stop work on that. the redesigned it with a double haul and britannic as many of you probably know two years or four years after titanic they hit a mine off the greek mainland. >> twice as fast as titanic. >> as part of the investigation went for two reasons, the first was to figure out why she sink faster and we wanted to document some of those design changes and in that we were successful. islamic another secret we are n