britney white is a dekacarceratn manager. when you think about the population that you once served at riker's, what is the greatest risk to their well being. >> incarceration brings health risk but it brings the risk of serious illness and death. we know we have a million people incarcerated in this nation and we have them in places where we know we cannot protect them. we must get those folks identified and out and for the people we can't get out, we have to establish how we're going to get them adequate care. that's something we have not provided to people behind bars, ever, in this nation. >> what was your experience of seeking medical treatment? >> first of all, thank you for having me join you today. i would like to educate your viewers that medical treatment does not come without a fee associated it. one action that governors can take across this country is putting a moratorium on any sick fees or copays associated with assessing medical treatment. >> can you help draw a line for me what is happening in these prisons an