francisco hayward and they were all threatened with lawsuits by this industry this is a photo of britt bowcock spraying the top courts are responsible for the balance has had to be removed of the surgeons found this vorse tumor right where he held the phone the u.s. national rowing champion now he can barely move for a good speed to tell us about the close election lawsuit against the phone industry the only way you can really educate the public against big business is through lawsuits that wasn't until the district attorney in the united states sued the guy in boulder sued the. cigarette industry it was actually. millions and millions hundreds of millions of dollars for a look at the dangers of smoking that's what's going to have was so far it's all equivocal categorical these things cause cancer and it's also. they don't want you to know that this is the same trajectory of smoking because it look at smoking in the sixty's they had doctors coming on t.v. and on credit saying hey smoke alarm or smoke just because it's good for your cough and see how well the camels agree with your throat. amer