brittanie gibson is a special education teacher at westwood high, but for the day, she was just another ridgeview high senior next to aaliyah harrell. aaliyah harrell: "it kind of bridges that gap. i think it's just as much them understanding us as we're understanding them because you don't really think about what it is to be a teacher. then when you're around them it's like okay, this is a little bit different than what i thought."the teachers were expected to do everything the students did -- including taking their tests. nat: "immediately right when the test came out, i forgot everything."despite cramming, ridgeview high english teacher jeffrey mcmicken only got 1 out of 25 questions right in his algebra 3 class. senior mallory jeffcoat says she hopes the experience shows the teachers your performance isn't always a matter of effort. mallory jeffcoat: about their class and they don't know that you just had an ap test or you have another one after that so you're just trying to do two things at once and you can't only think of one thing at a time." mcmicken is glad the program only las