current waves of protests are correctly targeting the commodification of blackness by the state brittany friedman a rocker's university professor told black agenda report we do not need the car still state to save us she went on because the car still stayed is the one that is killing us but where do we go from here with more than 10000 arrests by militarized police of largely nonviolent protesters and the indiscriminate use of beatings pepper spray rubber bullets and tear gas on peaceful crowds. in order for nonviolence to work your opponent must have a conscience stokely carmichael warned and if your opponent is bereft of a conscience and state violence is an evitable a met with counter-violence tyranny takes the place of reform the danger of widespread sectarian violence in america is now very real. joining me to discuss the protests that have erupted in over 140 american cities is glenn ford executive editor of black agenda report so glenn i i would think that you would argue that this has been a long time coming. this isn't the 1st horrific murder of a black man by police. how do you read the