we volunteered at the brock medic so we could get into rock concerts for free. several times a month we would go scuba dive, hunt abalone and bike up and down the hills of san francisco until our legs burned from the lactic acid. then we would hit the hunan cafe. it was a lot of fun. tony was a curious george. he would become interested in so many different activities and pursuits that at times it was difficult to keep up with them all. he took a liking to my dad who's a master craftman, machinist and pilot. he would come over and learn everything he could from my dad. my dad let him fly over the pacific ocean near santa cruz. those experiences would later inspire tony to become a glider pilot, without the watchful eye of a pilot instructor. he would visit my mom, sometimes for hours just making sure he was okay. most recently he thought her the fine art of sour dough bread making. we never parted ways as friends and continue to meet up for ski trips, scuba diving adventures, hawaii cruises and major events of my family. tony has always been a part of my family.