delivered his mayoral strategy future colleagues in the duma among the stop priorities are to reduce brock rissi fight corruption and to approve the city's infrastructure a lot of hopes are being pinned on the new man not least by intrapreneur knows we expect him to solve the small but still important problems. that you. the mayor should not only focus on global issues but also results small issues. bubbly consulship dish to city district still in the small business we also expect him to think how to live the excessive tick spirit so that small companies would have an opportunity to invest in new technology that we know open to little greek cafe in the center of moscow in the middle of the extreme summer heat unlike many other intrapreneur as she was lucky to pass all the registration from l.g. smoothly but a nice start doesn't mean any zeroed apart from high rent and interest rates she says red tape is the main thing holding her back it's a strong hope that. we'll be able to work miracles. so we hope the new mayor will sort out the weather next summer and will be last we thought seriously speak