involving red lines to where russia is going to step up as the middle man for once again trying to brocker getting away the last of the syrian chemical weapons and try to use that as leverage to the united states to have sanctions lifted against russia. you know, they feel like they want to be rewarded. and donald trump has said many times that if russia is doing good things, russia should be rewarded. and it makes me wonder, you know, because the russian troops that were on that base -- you cannot be on a base the size of shayrat which is very small and not know there is chemical weapons handling going on. so the russians were very well aware that the syrians were using these weapons systems. >> chris jansing in plain english what was it like for all this to take place during the visit of the leader of 20% of the world's population, the president of china? >> yeah, pretty high drama, right? when you each look at the tick tock, brian, yesterday, 4:00 in the afternoon after what had been up to that point about 70 hours of conversations, deliberations, a series of five meetings that began wi