>> he has a girlfriend in brockport.ks he's probably on his way home from brockport. >> reporter: the 911 dispatcher got clayton whittemore's mother on the line. >> hi, sandi? >> yes? >> we're trying to find your son. you think he was out visiting his girlfriend at suny brockport? >> well, he's in canada right now. >> well, he's not in canada. >> he's not? >> no. at least his cell phone isn't in canada. if you were just talking to him on his cell phone, he's not in canada. >> yeah, okay. >> okay just take a couple deep breaths and, and try to, we're going to try to find him so we can get him some help. >> reporter: the dispatcher got the name alex "kogurt" from the stressed out mom. slightly wrong but it was enough. seconds later, he was on the phone to the campus cops in brockport, and now, finally, the pieces of the story began fitting together. >> we got a call from a father about an hour ago that said his he stated that he killed somebody. >> okay, okay. >> we pinged his phone and the son's name is clayton whittemore