broder?guest: i am on the board of a pharmaceutical company, no board is, i am not on the board of medtronic, i found the three medical device companies and i operated and trained in surgery and radiology and have taken care of patients and i am currently president of the salk institute for biological studies which is really developing those scientific breakthroughs that would lead to the cures for alzheimer's, macular degeneration, and of a chronic illnesses driving cost. yes i am conflict from every different perspective but i am also a health care consumer. i am not to defend or attack anyone segment. my objective is to figure out how we can provide the best care for american citizens to maximize our health and welfare and do it and make it affordable. right now we have a rising number of people who don't have insurance. my children can get in their late 20's and 30's are paranoid to change jobs because they might lose their coverage. that makes no sense. people are denied coverage for pre