the real economy moves at its own pace, you got to broer money to build out equipment and use that equipment to manufacture goods and wait for the cost to buy them the stock market has no such limitations. stocks don't travel the speed of light. well, how about the speed of thought? they come close. so they decide the economy is slowing or speeding up or flat lining stocks start trading like that's the case. instantaneously. usually takes some time to build that consensus which is why you rarely see the moves happening all at once. but once the big institutional portfolio managers are on the same page about something, you can be confident that it's baked into the averages. i say that week. it will happen that week economists take an ivory you to area proech to the discipline. they have models for how the world is supposed to work. also they can be very boring they rarely let the facts get in the way of a good story. the data conflicts with the model, economists have a bad habit of throwing away the data, not the model. one of the concepts is known as the efficient market's hypothesis stock p