. >> it seemed like an eternity to me but to mike, brogan, and hannah, they said it seemed like seconds. and i was thinking it was the light coming in from our backdoor coming down the stairwell. it didn't take me long to figure on the that's not why it was so bright. it was that there was no house above us. >> axelrod: 1,000 homes were gone, including those of nine of nine other players. amid all the def stairksz people like kim browne field found little treasures that survived, like a pendant with brogan's number 65. >> i'm so glad it's not damaged. it's the little things. >.>> axelrod: in times of trauma, little things become big things, like her son's team flag, still flying. >> there's always an american flag on the 20-foot pole in the back and it's gone but the panther flag prevailed, and i don't know, i'm pretty proud of that. >> axelrod: which brings us to spistled, kill notice, where sacred heart-griffin kicked off this afternoon. it's not often that an opposing team picks up the other team's fans and pringz them back to the game. dressed in panthers colors, kim browne field to