brolin decided to try out the latest wellness trend called "perineum sunning."the body that we all use a different word for, but i'm not legally allowed to say that word on cbs. i can use only scientific terms. so believe it or not, cbs prefers that i say it's "the area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva." you're welcome, viacom-cbs. ( laughter ) ( cheers and applause ) ( piano riff ) hey, them's the rules. taint my fault. taint my problem. ( cheers and applause ) ( piano riff ) proponents of perineum sunning claim it's "derived from an ancient taoist practice that strengthens one's organs, increases their creativity, regulates their circadian rhythm, and improves their libido." plus, really keeps the neighbors away. ( laughter ) ( applause ) i'm going to guess scares off the raccoons as well. ( laughter ) i know what you're thinking. you're thinking, "that's great, stephen, just tell us what's going on with josh brolin's butt hole." ( laughter ) thank you for asking. well, after his experiment, brolin took to instagram and wrote, "my pucker hole is crazy