new book by brooke stoddard. mr. stoddard, what was going on in great written in june 1934?the nazis from germany had run over all of europe and controlled from the atlantic circle, northern norway through southern part of europe. and a lot of people thought that britain would collapse or cave-in in a matter of weeks. france had been overrun in about three -- well, several weeks. and many people thought that it would follow. it didn't happen. and this is the story about why i didn't hunt them. churchill's leadership is a bit part of it. the british people rallied to winston churchill. the germans couldn't come across the channel on account of the royal navy, but they did send thousands of airplanes to bomb britain in hopes of invading britain eventually. they couldn't overcome the royal air force. and eventually, october came along. bad weather began. the germans couldn't invade britain and they had to put off any kind of invasion planned until spring. though this is the story about those months. they were very, very critical months. >> host: selected the bombing ended, did