llewellyn glacier in canada is meltining fast, exposising moref its secrets s for researchers brookeke stamper and mirira dute to discover, using photogrammetry and ice lens measurements. as the 2013 field season on the icefield comes to a close, we make our way northeast and walk off the llewellyn glacier through a dangerous crevice field. >> we're windingng our way throh thehe creviceces of the llewelln glacier. everyone's making their way very carefully here because the glacier gets a a little bron up, but itit's a beautiful day, and it looks like we might make it all the way to lake atlin. >> wewe struggle down through ts dusty and blowing newly uncovered ground where the vast llewellyn has melted and finally we make our way down this long valley to lake atlin. here we're picked up by a boat andd start deciphering the data anand working it into the sscientific literature, , where researchers around the world can use it to fine tune their climate change predictions. from the glaciological and arctic sciences institute on lake atlin, british columbia, this is jeffrey barbee reporting for lin