representing community, the only person on this desk who actually represents the community is commissioner brooketer. that's his job. i think we're all kind of coundd up about this. we should have a measured and reason discussion about what is best rather than attacking each other. i will resist the urge to do so, i'm not going to do counter attacks against you. i'm not going to tell you it's fake news and that you are beholding to the board of supervisors because i hope you are not. i can only tell you what i am and what i am not. and so, with that, i will leave it. >> likewise. as the only commissioner here that hasn't been a former prosecutor or defender that i speak on behalf of all san franciscansanfranciscans and ths across the board. one of the things as i sit here and we're having this dialogue and conversation is we can agree to disagree at the end of the day. i think one thing about this commission and the time that we're here right now, is we have an opportunity as a total body to push forward these reforms. and i think that every single person on here has the qualifications to be here as