brookline books met in brookline massacsetts is the host of this event.s just over one hour. >> hank you all for coming to this discussion of "pulitzer's gold" behind the price for public-service joualism. we will be all pronounced and pulitzer probably tonight because i came from st. louis, ere joseph pulitzer owned the newspaper at the time, and you did not go into the st. louis post-dispatch and say pulitzer. so it is something we have to adjust to. at least when you work there. i am roy harris, the author of the book a in order to have taed to a weekly the journalists elizabe married to my right and saha fifer to my immediate right up here this evening. part of the goal tonight is to look at what the contributions of this entry long body of work. it was 90 years when i started work and we are up to almost a century the pulitzer pri started in 1917 and we are going to get a littl bit of the powerful contributions of this body of work represented in the book, "pulitzer's goldalso examin the degree to which that typereportinand level of reporting is thre