i move to brookline, i send mypu kids tic schools, they're terrific schools. that's why you move there. and you can too. you ju have to buy a home that's worth $2 million. now that's a colossal, colossal blunder. in american history, public education was absolutely essential in building the middle class. that's how we got the productive economy in which everyone participates, and we had a reasonable degree of stability. wew setting up a system where you get the education you pay for.ea and that you get a bunch of citizens who are uneducated. and that's a recipe for disaster. >> reporter: i think that's what's so difficult for somebody like myself to hear or people in our audience. what we're doing is what comes absolutely naturally to us, that is investing in our kids. moving to a neighborhood with a good school for our children or grandchildren. you don't want me to sp doing at, right? >> just because our individual actions are blameless when we look at them very naowly, that doesn't mean it's all going to work out for the best. i lived in mexico, i lived in