>>(broomfield) alright (laughs).iss her, and i still love her, and i'm real sorry about everything i done. i miss ty. i lost tyra over this, and then the people that lost their loved ones and everything. i really think first about the people that lost their loved ones, and then ty second. cause i have to put them in first on this whole thing. i'm really sorry for, you know them losing their loved ones man-- >>and what about with richard mallory? because, you gave that testimony with richard mallory? >>yeah. richard mallory was definitely not self defense. richard mallory i killed for--he had--i needed his wheels to move the stuff, and he had the right amount of money i needed to move into the apartment, so-- >>but, what about the testimony that you gave in court about-- >>i just--like i was saying-- >>about the visine and-- >>well, i was just doin a lyin biz. that was just my lying gig trying to beat the system. >>really? so, that was really all--none of it was true? >>and he said, "it doesn't matter to me. your body