beforee 3 there's way too many weapons that arr out there on the streetss the types f weaponn that broughh in, 75 ssault rifles the other day,,not to meetion the two rpg rocket launchers i mean, it's just ridiculous. 3 police lso & collected 75 assault rifles. 3 oneemaryland couple is celebrattng 70 years of marriage.......we talked with ttem try to marriage alive...... & alivee..... 3 //on this dreary snowy day.....//sot// 3 aaone of a kknd ceeebration in hampsseed.......//take ot// 3&paa r and mrsseverard cox..... & //taae sot//reflect on seven pecades oo bliss.....//take --3&psot//they were married 3 december 26, 1942 while evveard was on a 72 hour llavv -3 from he avy......//take sot// 3 after tte war verard went to medical school at the &puniversity of marylandd.....wwereehe helped establish the world rrnown -3 shock trauma center......// 3 and beenggmrs. everard cox -3 also had it ccallennes.......// 3 but lela says.......she would 3 another 70 years.....//they -3 say......the time togethhr has taught hem patience.......// share 3 as they share nconddtional pove for maa