budynak at the address of brouki 3 gistarychny, following the reconstruction of the modernization, newiness places and a new call center have appeared here. gety ab'ekt - padarunak yes of the day of the city, yago peravagi acanili high state officials, this minister of energy and the mayor of the city. stodzen. the pale azaryan agriculture is popular not only in us, but also in such countries as russia, moldova, serbia, macedonia, today they process 400 tons of other bread here. dry, in addition to digging potatoes, we now conduct, winter grain harvesting, this is the laying of the 2025 harvest, we sow wheat, rye, barley, we harvest corn for grain, delivery is also very large for us, since the farm's need is 3,500 tons of grain for its own needs, we add it to the compound feed, today in the minsk region they are developing and deep processing of our other grain in the stacks of you ... our charismatic leader, karina gurevich, comes out on direct communication, her words. more than 300 schoolchildren from all over the capital. those who come adbor and would carry a ganar watch for the b